Dec 2, 2017

Translation English Name to Japanese and Tracing Katakana Name

A web site of "Hand-Tracing Practice for Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana” is useful for autonomous Kanji learning. Also the site has two functions of translation English name to Japanese Katakana and hand-writing Japanese character recognition. Please access the following URL.

Procedure for Autonomous Kanji Learning
1st: Click the first item and edit your English name.
2nd: Click a button of "go to Hand-Tracing", then your English name is automatically translated to Japanese Katakana.
     For an example, "私はJohnです。" to "私はジョンです。".
3rd: Click again a button of "go to Hand-Tracing" for tracing in the order. You can trace your Japanese name on your smart phone.

Please access Color Rules for stroke errors in hand-writing recognition.

Translation English Name to Japanese and Tracing Katakana Name
1. Click a first item of "私はJohnです。" .

2. Edit to your name, and click  a button of "go to Hand-Tracing".
3. Click a button of "go to Hand-Tracing", and automatically translated to "私はジョンです。".
4. Trace for "私", and click a button of "Next".
5. Trace for "は", and click"Next".
6. Trace for "ジ", and click "Next".
7. Trace at lower half part for "ャュョッゃゅょっ", and click "Next".
8. Trace for "ン", and click "Next".
9. Trace for "で", and click "Next".

10. Trace for "す", and click "Next".
11. Trace a circle for "。", and click "Next".
12. Repeat above 4th to 11th.