Jul 18, 2013

Free Japanese Educational Fonts on PC and Mac

Japanese educational fonts are suitable for Japanese language learning such as hiragana hand-tracing  and hiragana matching quiz.

If you have MS Office on Japanese OS,  you can use bundled educational fonts. Please read a page of kanji font.
You can download free Japanese educational fonts on PC and Mac for personal from a site of trial use since June, 2013. But you must buy in a case of group use in your class room from the site. The cost of the font is about 18,900 yen.

(A) Examples of use Japanese educational fonts.

(a) An example of free educational fonts 
MS Word
(c) An example of educational hiragana table
(d) An example of hiragana matching quizz

Drag right items to left items for PC or Mac.

(B) How to install free Japanese educational fonts.
  1. Register your e-mail address for download
  2. Submit your e-mail address for registration
  3. Download from the font site 
  4. Check kanji list such as 1365 letters (小学校教育漢字)

  5. Install fonts for Windows
  6. Check fonts for Windows
  7. Install fonts for Mac OS
  8. Check font book for Mac OS
(2) Set your e-mail address for registration


(3) Download of fonts after registration
(4) Check fonts

欧文(65字) ,-.
、。,.・:;?!゛゜´`¨^ ̄_ヽヾゝゞ〃仝々〆〇ー—‐/\〜‖|…‥''""()〔〕[]{}
(5) Install fonts for Windows
(6) Check fonts for Windows after installation

(7) Install fonts for Mac
(8) Check fonts for Mac after installation



Jun 25, 2013

Web-based Hand-tracing Practice by Your Favorite Order

Hand-tracing practice for kanji, hiragana and katakana by your favorite order

1. Go to hand-tracing page.
2. Paste your tracing text by favorite order.
3. Click a "Go to Hand-Tracing" button.
4. After hand-tracing, click a "Next" button.

Please latest browsers such as IE9, IE10, Safari6, Chrome27, Firefox21, or Opera12 for HTML5.
Please setup Educational Fonts for PC or Mac

For teachers:
Please directly link to this page by the following style on your web pages.
<a  href="https://www.icampusj.net/u/tracing.jsp?k=日月時分曜">日月時分曜</a>
Your students can get hand-tracing scores after login.

Mar 5, 2013

Kanji Hand Tracing Practice: 謹賀新年

How to Practice Kanji Hand Tracing
  1. Input Kanji to Trace at Text Box.
  2. Click a Search Button.
  3. Click a Kanji Link for Hand Tracing.
  4. Trace on a Tablet for Kanji Hand Recognition.
Kanji Hand Tracing for "謹賀新年"
Hand Tracing for ""
Hand Tracing for ""
Hand Tracing for ""
Hand Tracing for ""

Feb 27, 2013

Educational Kanji Font on IE10 for Windows 7

IE 10 for Windows 7 is downloadable on Feb. 26, 2013.
If you already installed MS Office, you can easily setup educational font for your web browsing using Windows.
You can use the Educational Kanji Font for Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana Tracing Practice.

(1) Download IE10 for Win 7  (2) Setup for Kanji Educational Font
(3) Hiragana Tracing Practice (4) Hiragana Tracing き

For Mac, please access this link.